🧑‍💻Sign in

This guide covers how to sign into the Entri Mobile App with your Betapass, and how to create a Betapass account if you don't already have one.

  1. Download the Entri Mobile App through the Entri Mobile App APK on your Android device.

  1. Click ‘Login with Betapass’ to sign in.

You can click ‘Guest Mode’ to enter Entri as a guest. However, guests have limited features and can only view events occurring on Entri.

We strongly suggest signing in to fully experience Entri!

  1. If you already have a Betapass account, enter your credentials and click ‘Next’ to sign in.

Once you’ve signed in, you will be brought to the Entri Home Page.

Congratulations, you're ready to use the Entri mobile app!

However, if you don't already have a Betapass account, continue with the following steps:

  1. Click 'Create account' to begin your Betapass account creation.

  1. Enter your email address, then create and confirm your password. Then, click ‘Next’.

Please use an active email address you have access to, as you'll need to verify your account through email!

To further secure your account, your password is required to have capital, lowercase, number, and special characters.

Also, make sure to read and agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.

  1. After entering your credentials, a verification email will be sent to your email. Click the ‘Verify My Account' link in the email to verify your account.

Clicking the ‘Verify My Account’ link will redirect you back to the Entri application.

  1. Enter your username for your Betapass and click the right arrow button.

  1. Check your Nagara wallet and click the right arrow button.

Upon creating a Betapass account, a Nagara wallet is created and linked to your account. This is a custodian wallet created by Nusameta.

Later once you've finished signing in, you can check the address in your wallet.

  1. Enter any additional information for your Betapass account.

This step is optional; you may skip it by clicking the ‘Skip’ button at the bottom.

  1. If you enter your phone number, a verification code will be sent to your phone number through WhatsApp from our official Nusameta business account. Enter the six-digit code in the given field and click ‘Verify and Login’

  1. Click 'Back to Entri' to return to the Entri Home Page.

Congratulations, you're ready to use Entri!

Last updated